Fatty Liver Symptoms


Fatty Liver SymptomsSome fat in the liver is OK! However, if fat makes up over 5%-10% of the weight of the liver, then the person may be suffering from alcoholic or non-alcoholic fatty liver ailments.

A fatty liver occurs when a person consumes more calories and fats than the liver is capable enough to process. As a consequence, fats build up in the liver cells, making your liver prone to damage. In some instances, these ailments can lead to serious complications including scarring and inflammation. However, the good news is that you can reverse the fatty liver symptoms naturally.


  • Over 15-million people in the United States overuse or abuse alcohol. Nearly all of them -95%-100% develop fatty livers. Fatty liver disorder can arise after drinking large or moderate amounts of alcohol.
  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disorder (NAFLD), is caused by other conditions like overweight or diabetes. It is the most common cause of chronic disorder in the United States
  • The most common reason for the fatty liver disorder is obesity ; with obese people growing the their chances of development of the condition by 75%
  • Although fat-filled diet and weight gain are the key culprits, alcohol abuse, fatty diet, diabetes and hyperlipidemia also increases the chances

Know the 10 most common symptoms of fatty liver:


If any organ inside our body becomes dysfunctional, in this particular case ‘liver,’ the body will defend itself and compensate by pumping excess oxygen and blood to the liver, which usually leads to unexplained fatigue, trouble concentrating, sudden lack of capability to participate in social activities that were once relished, impaired judgment and confusion.


Heredity, one of things that are passed down from parents to children, is generally a primary indicator of future health ailments. For example, if a biological parent or grandparent was affected by a liver problem, grandchildren and children may be stricken with the ailment as well. In the case of fatty liver, the person may be born with low- levels of liver enzymes (involved in the metabolism of alcohol and fats) or prone to alcoholism or obesity.


A condition that exhibits itself in yellowing the skin and whites of the eyes and is a symptom of liver disease. It is caused when bile flow from the liver is blocked, which in turn brings out small, itchy yellow bumps on the skin’s surface and around the eyelids.


It is one of the most common fatty liver symptoms. If you are eating all the right things and still cannot lose weight, do not blame yourself, it can be your liver. I cannot say it for sure, but I think that when anyone says they are doing all the right things to shed kilos including diet, exercise and still cannot lose weight, we may think that someone is lying or cheating. In case I can take literary license with Jimmy Buffet song, “Some people think that there is a donut to blame, however I know it is my liver at fault.”

Fatty liver slows down your body’s metabolism rate.

Skin changes

You may notice discoloration of skin in the neck and under the arms (because of swollen glands) and patchy skin once liver failure occurs. Additional skin changes may show themselves in the spider veins of the chest, shoulders and back and in the broken blood vessels of the face. The hands may be affected, with nails beds becoming white with enlarged fingertips and palms turning red.

Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain may indicate fatty liver disease. You will experience the discomfort on the right or center area of the abdomen, which may indicated internal bleeding. This may cause vomiting with traces of blood and this occurs when blood vessels within the gastrointestinal tract turns inflamed or ruptures. You may also notice blood in the stool.

Reversing Fatty Liver Symptoms Naturally

Fatty liver can be treated naturally. Curing the fatty disease disorder takes self-control and discipline. After all, we all have tried to lose weight and failed badly time and again? But all I can say here is discipline and control is exactly the things that you need to treat fatty liver.

So, while fatty liver can be treated with self-help and natural methods, numerous people do wish there was a medication available to reverse the symptoms and heal the fatty liver. Since now there is none, it becomes critical to comprehend the equation better and quit unhealthy eating habits ASAP.

If you are determined to annul the symptoms of fatty liver and attain healthy liver, you will need to modify your lifestyle. Shedding extra pounds is of prime importance, as the more fat you consume, the more fat accumulates in the liver.

Change your Diet

Diet plays a pivotal role here. To start with, bid adieu to drinking and smoking completely. Alcoholism adversely affects the liver and could be the key reason you have a fatty liver in the first place. Coupled with habits such as robust palate for fried foods and smoking, this is a surefire recipe for disaster.

Follow a healthy diet regime with a low glycemic index. Add loads of vegetables, fibrous grains and fruits to your diet. Increase you intake of minerals and vitamins, and there is no better way to do this than by consuming fruits, vegetables, lean cuts of lamb and lean meats like fish and chicken. Ensure they are all eaten boiled or grilled and not cooked in excess oil. Moreover, cut down your intake of saturated fats such as cream, butter and margarine. In case, you want to use oil then use monounsaturated oils like canola oil or olive oil only.

Also, you may need to give up feeding on simple carbohydrates.  Say

  • White Bread – No-no
  • White Pasta- No-no
  • White Rice- No-no

Substitute them with whole grain or multigrain pasta or breads and switch to brown rice. Do not forget to detoxify the liver – to do so drink to drink lots of water and vegetable juices to flush out all toxins.

Cut down on your consumption of sugar. For diabetic, it is of utmost importance to maintain normal glucose levels; otherwise an uncontrolled diabetic condition will further worsen the condition.

If you are diabetic, you must take the symptoms of fatty liver very seriously. 

Maintain a Good Exercise Regimen – No Excuse

The major trouble in maintaining a regular exercise regime is that people with symptoms of fatty liver are low on energy and get tired very easily. This in turn makes exercising feel like a burden, even knowing it is a bull’s-eye way to shed weight and annul symptoms of fatty liver effectively.

However, do not worry because after you made the switch to a healthier diet and quit smoking and drinking, you will notice great boost in your energy levels. You do not need an aggressive workout regimen; a half an hour walk or cycling will also gigantically benefit your condition.

As your strength improves, try playing some sports like badminton, squash or tennis. Swimming is an excellent method to stay in shape and burn off fats. Whatever exercise you select, just ensure you enjoy it, as only then you will feel committed enough to exercise daily and further quash the symptoms of fatty liver.  Combining a low carbohydrate diet that does not exceed 1,500 calories per day and a simple exercise is your best shot at regaining the healthy functioning of your liver.

Natural Remedies – Try them out

While making healthy changes to your diet and exercising daily will immensely improve the condition of your liver, consumption of natural remedies will hasten the process. A few supplements and herbs can show outstanding improvement, as they are both antioxidants and anti-inflammatory, which means they will revitalize the liver and undo the damage.  Following are a few good examples:

  • Omega 3 fatty acids
  • Ginseng
  • Barberry
  • Milk thistle
  • Dandelion

Most of them boast of properties that are hepatoprotective in nature, meaning they can regenerate liver cells to rectify the damage caused.

Reversing your fatty liver symptoms is not at all a laborious task. All you need

  • Healthy Diet – Check
  • Exercise Everyday –Check
  • Natural Supplements – Check

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