17 Worst Fruits for Diabetics


While eating fruits is associated with a reduced risk of diabetes and other complications, different types of fruits have different levels of carbs and sugars. For this reason, diabetics need to know what fruits to eat and which ones to stay away from.

The best advice to follow is that given by diabetes educators who provide clarity on the best and worst fruits that one can consume. Plus, based on the diabetic’s health history and individual needs, the specialists can break down how many carbs, proteins, and minerals a diabetic should ingest each day.

Diabetics also have different individual carbohydrate tolerances making it hard to determine what type of fruit is okay for consumption and what’s not okay. The main worry is if the diabetic eats enough carbohydrates, the pancreas will not produce enough insulin that lowers the blood sugar level.

Here is a list of the worst fruits for diabetics that they should steer clear of.

17 Worst Fruits for Diabetics

1. Bananas

Unlike other fruits, bananas contain more calories from sugar. When they are unripe, bananas have more fiber than carbs, but when ripe, they turn sugary, making them unhealthy for diabetics. You can eat apples or grapefruit instead as these don’t contain a lot of sugar.

2. Mangoes

Mangoes also contain a high percentage of sugar that makes them taste sweet. There are many fruits that have a low sugar content but if you’re unable to stay away from mangoes, consult your doctor as to whether you can eat them sparingly or should discard them from your diet completely.

3. Coconut

Coconuts are not as healthy as many people think. Since diabetes is directly linked with the number of calories a person consumes, coconuts add more fat, which can be a big issue for diabetics.

4. Cherries

Despite their small size, cherries contain a high amount of sugar. One cup of cherries contains around 18 grams of sugar which makes them bad for diabetics. They’re also difficult to digest leading to gas and bloating of the abdomen.

5. Cranberries

When a diabetic eats too many cranberries they might risk certain types of kidney stones. Another problem with consuming cranberries is that they are extremely high in calories. When dried, they contain even higher amounts of sugar. It is not recommended to eat cranberries as they may increase the sugar levels of the diabetic.

6. Oranges

Compared to other fruits, oranges have a high water content. However, before consuming oranges, you need to note that one raw orange contains about 3 grams of fiber and 16 grams of carbs, 9 of which are sugar. The larger the orange, the more the intake of carbs, which results in increased blood sugar.

7. Lychee

One cup of lychee contains 29 grams of sugar and only 2.5 grams of fiber, which is more than the sugar present in an energy drink. They also contain toxins that prevent the body from synthesizing glucose, which leads to low glucose levels in the diabetic’s body and results in health problems.

8. Fruit Blends and Juices

People with diabetes should avoid fruit blends like smoothies and fruit juices as these contain a high sugar content. Not only that, but they’re more rapidly absorbed, resulting in higher blood sugar spikes.

9. Figs

Figs are rich in fiber and vitamin C. However, a cup of figs also contains about 29 grams of sugar, which may not be ideal for diabetics.

10. Grapes

Grapes contain polyphenols, vitamin C, and vitamin K, which fight inflammation, boost immunity, and builds bone respectively. However, one cup of grapes contains one gram of fiber per serving with 15 grams of sugar, which is a lot of sugar for a diabetic.

11. Canned Pineapples

Diabetics should avoid canned pineapples as they contain lots of sugar and calories. The best alternative, in this case, is to consume fresh pineapples that contain manganese, which helps regulate blood sugar levels.

12. Dried fruit

Dried fruits contain less water compared to fresh fruits. They include fruits like prunes, dates, raisins, and apricots that have a lot of fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants. However, they also contain added and unnatural sugars that affect diabetics’ health.

13. Strawberries

Strawberries are normally grown for large-scale production due to high demand. In such large-scale farms, toxic soil chemicals and fumigants that affect the quality of the fruits are used, with the main fumigation agent being methyl bromide. This chemical is both a neurotoxin and carcinogenic. For these reasons, diabetics should avoid strawberries as the poisonous chemicals can damage the pancreatic cells that produce insulin.

14. Fruit salad

A diabetic needs to account for the sugar content in each fruit and any other fruit products they consume in a salad. Fruit salads contain real fruits, but may also contain high levels of sugar, which may increase your blood sugar level and cause health issues.

15. Raisins

According to the Mayo Clinic, diabetics should consume up to 15 grams of carbs, which helps them manage and monitor their blood sugar levels. Raisins may be an easy snack but they’re not healthy for diabetics as one cup contains 115 grams of sugar. Instead, opt for low-sugar fruits such as apples or raspberries to balance the sugar.

16. Tangerines

Tangerines are rich in vitamin C and potassium. However, one cup of tangerines contains more than 20 grams of sugar, which isn’t ideal for diabetics.

17. Kiwi

Kiwi is sweet and citrusy, but it’s not recommended for diabetics because one cup of sliced kiwi contains about 16 grams of sugar, which is a high amount for the diabetic’s health.

Wrapping Up

Fruits are nutritious as they contain minerals and vitamins that are good for the body. However, for diabetics, it’s important to note the sugar-heavy fruits, which are enemies to their health.

While consuming fruit in moderation may help you manage your blood sugar, it’s important to consult your nutritionist to know what works for you and how much you can consume without overdoing calories and carbohydrates.

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