Olive Oil: The Benefits for the Heart, Skin, and Hair


Olive Oil Benefits for the Heart, Skin, and Hair

Olive oil is probably the most widely used oil in cooking as it comes with a wonderful flavor, making every dish a delightful one. In the Mediterranean regions of the world, olive oil is recognized as one of the miracle foods.

According to studies, the Mediterranean dietary pattern has been shown to be effective in secondary prevention of coronary heart disease. Today, its benefits is widely known all over the world.

Olive Oil for the Heart

Olive oil is vital in maintaining a happy heart as it lowers the LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Three polyphenols, oleuropein, tyrosol, and hydroxytyrosol are touted to be particularly helpful in keeping your heart’s health.

Hydroxytyrosol is a phytochemical in olive oil that thins the blood. Hydroxytyrosol is also known for its anti-inflammatory powers, as stated in the recent study from DSM Nutritional Products published in Planta Med showing it inhibited the pro-inflammatory compounds nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in mouse cells.

Oleropein is responsible for stimulating the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a powerful vasodilator, an agent that causes the blood vessels to dilate. It relaxes the smooth muscles that line in the artery wall, hence, improving circulation.

Tyrosol is an antioxidant that is abundant in olives. It prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and fights free radicals from attacking the healthy cell membranes.

According to a study published in the Journal of Hypertension, researchers say that olive oil in particular was uniquely able to reduce high blood pressure, much more than sunflower oil.

Olive Oil for the Skin

For many years, olive oil is added in various skin products. When added topically, it moisturizes and softens dry skin. Unlike other moisturizers, olive oil easily penetrates the skin without clogging, and allows the oil to heal damage. Also, olive oil contains vitamin A and E, both provides anti-aging benefits because it restore skin’s elasticity.

Olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties that fights skin conditions such as psoriasis, contact dermatitis, and seborrheic dermatitis. Olive oil is often used as an exfoliator paired with sea salt. The mild abrasive qualities of sea salt, combined with the deep, penetrating action of the oil, will remove dead skin cells and leave the epidermis looking youthful and glowing.

Olive Oil for the Hair

Using olive oil as a part of a regular hair care regimen can help in various ways including:

Prevent DTH Hormones production. DTH hormones causes the follicle shaft to narrow, leading to hair loss. Olive oil inhibits this from happening.
Boost Scalp Health. Olive oil is rich in antioxidants that help wards off the damaging free radicals. It can also reduce the damage of harsh hair care products or overuse of these products.
Conditions Hair. Olive oil is a natural conditioner which has been used for centuries to make hair shiny and smooth.
Keeps fungi and bacteria at bay. Olive has anti-parasitic properties that fights dandruff, head lice, and other parasites that can contribute to hair loss and reduces the overall health of the hair.
Improve blood circulation. Massaging your hair with olive oil will boost the blood circulation in your scalp. Because olive oil can easily penetrate in the skin, it particularly produces thicker hair strands.


To fully reap the benefits of olive oil, choose the extra virgin one. Although this oil can do wonders in your health, still you must complement it with lifestyle changes before it will work well for you.

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