6 Ways To Get The Metabolism Of A 25-Year Old


As you age, you find out that you start looking plump even if you have snacked a bit recklessly.

This would never have happened when you were young and slim.

It all boils down to your metabolism. Today’s hectic lifestyle takes a toll on health and wellness and it is crucial that you stay healthy and active to live a happy life without worry.

How do you make your metabolism like that of a sprightly 25-year old?

The answer to that question lies in dietary habits and practices that are a part of Japanese culture.

Let’s look at each of them closely.

1. More Fulfilling Family Meals

The enlightened people from the Land Of The Rising Sun believe that family meals have to be stuffed with everything that is nutritious and good for health.

You can take a cue from this. Make sure that your family meals are enriched with organic foods like fruits, vegetables, beans, pulses and cereals.

Healthy and essential fats like omega-3 from fish are also important.

Rice, especially Japanese-style short grain rice, is healthier than bread which has more redundant calories that you don’t need.

It would also be better to leave out foods with too much sugar, salt and spices.

2. Make Meals Happy

In the East, eating is not just a part of the daily routine. It is something to be savoured and relished like a feast.

As they say, the family that eats together lives together. The Japanese culture dictates that family meals should be cooked with enthusiasm and love.

The smiles that bloom on the faces of children signify their delight at eating delicious meals cooked with your love.

You can also, at times, relax and allow your children to enjoy some small snacks from time to time. Make sure that your meals are happy affairs full of joy and laughter.

3. Experiment And Explore

Eating the same food over and over again can be a dull affair. If your platter is crammed with an eclectic variety of tastes, you can be healthier and happier than ever.

It is not just about encouraging your children to experiment with new tastes and cuisines as they grow up. You yourself should not be afraid to experiment at any new age.

By letting your taste buds explore exciting and unusual things, you are also gearing up yourself to enjoy even healthy foods that help to burn calorie.

This adds to the pleasure of eating together and with fun.

4. Eat Japanese Portions

Have you ever noticed that the Japanese always eat small portions? And it is not just about sushi platters.

It is also about how they serve their delicacies on small plates. This is an ingenious concept so as to prevent a person from eating too much at a time without being too forceful.

When serving out food for yourself and your family, you need not dole it out on big plates and expansive platters.

By controlling and minimising your portions, your digestion and metabolism will be light and efficient without a hassle.

5. Have More Exercise

More than any other culture, the East prizes physical activity as one of the essentials of life.

This is a culture that has encouraged martial arts, yoga and physical meditation as a solution for physical and mental health.

You do not need to enrol for karate or jujitsu. All you need to do is something simpler: go for a walk, have a sprint every day or work out a little daily.

Some level of physical exercise and activity will keep your digestion healthy and efficient without the risk of complications in future.

You don’t need to proceed with fad diets to be fit and healthy.

6. Develop An Overall Healthy Lifestyle

Finally, it is important that you develop a lifestyle that is all about being healthy. And health is not just about physical health but also mental well-being and lasting happiness.

Make physical exercise and a good, nutritious diet important in your daily routine.

Enjoy your meals and enjoy the family meals shared and taken with your loved ones.

Also, spend enough time on your emotional development with conversations, hobbies and eclectic interests in life.

The Eastern culture also believes in happiness as an important stimulant for good health and overall well-being and longevity.

So, do as the Japanese do and you can have the metabolism, energy and happiness of a 25-year old.

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