Itchy Red Bumps on Skin

Itchy Red Bumps on SkinSomehow super itchy, red and raised bumps (commonly called rashes) on your skin (“once flawless”) have appeared and you want to know what it is. You are racking your mind to figure out how these rashes or blotches have got there. Is it some kind of warning, should you be worried?

We all know that itchy bumps are very distracting, annoying and irritating. However, the silver lining is that if you know what kind of these bumps are, then they can be easily treated. In this article, we will help you identify the most common causes of itchy red bumps on the skin

Unless you have been walking barefoot through poison ivy, you will need to do some research, and maybe a physician to solve the puzzle and find out the answer.

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Skin Types

Skin TypesOften times skin tone and undertone are used interchangeably. When using skin tone it typically refers to whether someone is light, fair, medium, or dark. Undertone on the other hand, usually mean being cool or warm.

Cool undertones are usually revealed in fair skinned people, those who appear more pink than peachy, dark brown skins with red tones, skin that looks bronze or brown when tanned. While warm undertones are reflected in people who can easily Tan themselves, who appears more peachy and with visible yellow tones.

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Underarm Cysts – Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

Finding unexpected and ugly lumps anywhere on the body for both males or females can be an intimidating and potentially chilling development. If those lumps are underarm/armpit cysts, the problem is likely more annoying than frightening.

An underarm cyst is primarily a sac under the skin containing pus similar to pimple. They usually result from a hair follicle or an oil-secreting gland within the hair follicle becoming damaged. Shaving is the major cause of the development of underarm cysts.

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Sharp Chest Pain

 In case, you are experiencing acute, crushing , sharp pain or pressure in your chest that lasts more than a few minutes or in case the pain radiates to jaw, left arm or neck call 911 immediately.

Acute or sharp chest pain is one of the most upsetting symptoms a person can have. It is sometimes hard even for the doctor or medical professional to explain what is causing acute chest pain and whether it is life-threatening or not.

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Average Orthopedic Surgeon Salary


“Joint Replacement orthopedic surgeons are among the highest paid of all doctors.”

“A primary care physician, who spends around 40-45 minutes consulting with a diabetic, gets paid less than an orthopedic surgeon, who spends only 10-minutes restoring a knee.”

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Aphthous Ulcers

Aphthous-Ulcer-Treatment-150x150Aphthous Mouth Ulcers are painful and reappear from time to time. They usually go without treatment in 10-14 days. Lozenges and Mouthwashes may soothe the agony, and may hasten the healing of the ulcers.

OMG! What are these White Patches in My Mouth?

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