Flax & Honey Pancakes – A Superfood Way To Start Your Day


Starting your morning with a healthy, super charged breakfast is important to get your day off on the right foot.

Instead of reaching for a box of sugar filled cereal or picking up fast food on the way to work, try these easy to make, superfood pancakes. Breakfast can set the tone for your day, so make sure yours is positive beginning with good fuel!

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Top 100 Health & Nutrition Blogs


Are you looking for new resources in the following topics: Healthy Eating and Nutrition, Wellness and Lifestyle, Health, or Fitness? We have rounded up our top 25 blogs in each major category.

These are blogs worth reading if you are passionate about healthy living. While anyone can write a blog, these are the cream of the crop in our opinion. Each category is in no particular order.

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15 Energy Boosting Superfoods for New Moms


For a new mother, the biggest challenge is to keep up the energy levels between all the diaper changes, endless crying, and feeding.

But no one wants to wear maternity clothes once the baby arrives, and the struggle begins to try and lose those extra pounds gained during pregnancy.

While dealing with this dilemma of increased energy requirements and urge to get back in pre-pregnancy shape, you need to eat right.

If you are breastfeeding, you need to eat food that will nourish and replenish your body with the lost nutrients, as well as provide essential nutrients to your baby for its growth.

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9 Reasons to Drink Lemon Water Every Morning

Lemon Water

Lemon is a common, inexpensive and widely available citrus fruit known for its refreshing smells and popular drink flavor, but did you know that lemon also boasts a long list of health benefits?

Lemons are a good source of vitamins and minerals which are essential for a healthy and proper functioning body.

Like most citrus fruits, lemons are rich in vitamin C which is in and of itself a terrific antioxidant. Lemons also contain vitamin A, vitamin B6 and vitamin B1 (known as thiamine) in lesser amounts, but these vitamins are just as important.

Lemons also contain various minerals such as iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and zinc.

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Carob – The Chocolate Substitute


If your lactose intolerance or milk allergies are keeping you from your beloved chocolate, than carob might be the solution to all of your problems.

A non-dairy alternative to chocolate, carob is a superfood that is made from the leathery pods that grow on the carob tree native to the Mediterranean area.

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7 Unusual Visualization & Meditation Tips for Weight Loss

Unusual Visualization

Weight loss is about more than diet and exercise. While a healthy diet and consistent exercise program can dramatically improve your health, many find that those two elements alone are not enough to reach their weight loss goals.

All diets typically have one thing in common: restriction. You are told what to eat, how much to eat, and what not to eat. While some people thrive on these restrictions, many find themselves miserable.

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