9 Amazing Benefits of Adding Camu Camu to your Diet


This tiny berry from the forests of Brazil is getting the spotlight for its amazing antioxidant and healing properties.

But is it just another Superfood hype by manufacturers or does this vitamin C powerhouse have any credible benefits?

A plant native to the Amazonian rainforests of Peru and Brazil, it grows on low shrubs and needs ample water. It produces a cherry-like fruit.

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Top 9 Diabetes Superfoods to Include in Your Diet


Whether you suffer from diabetes type 1 or diabetes type 2, (or even if you are just trying to prevent the development of diabetes that happens to run in your family), one of the best things you can do for yourself is change your diet and live a healthy lifestyle.

There are some superfoods for diabetes that can make a big difference in terms of mediating blood sugar levels and even fighting complications of diabetes.

Add these diabetes superfoods to your pantry to get your body where it needs to be.

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10 Powerful Superfoods To Boost Your Child’s Brain


If you could feed your kids superfoods for the brain that would have long lasting educational benefits (in addition to the health benefits), you would do it, right? In addition to buying educational toys, brain stimulating books, and other technology that will supposedly enhance your child’s brain health, consider nurturing your children’s brain health during vital emotional and physical growth periods by feeding them brain foods. These superfoods will give them the edge they need to help them absorb as much as possible when it comes to stimulating neurological development.

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