Raw Cacao Powder

Raw Cacao Powder

Raw cacao plays a significant role in the health and economic aspects of the ancient times. The Aztecs and the Mayans used cacao for medicinal purposes and eventually became important in the society. Later on, raw cacao was used as a currency for trade and became an important barter item.

Today, its popularity has spread all over the globe. Ecuador, Peru, Bali and Indonesia are amongst the countries that manufacture raw cacao beans. They are first pressed and then ground into a fine powder.

Naturally, raw cacao comes with a bitter taste but manufacturers often mixed it with naturally sweeteners such as carob and stevia to achieve a palatable flavor.

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Raw Cacao Nibs

The raw form of cacao is considered a superfood since the ancient times. In the past this superfood is known to be the “food of the gods” and later on became an important barter item. Raw cacao is packed full of nutrients and neuro-peptides that is similar to the ones that our body produces when we are in love. Unlike the processed, regular chocolate, raw cacao did not undergo various processes, so the nutrients are not damaged or destroyed.

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Benefits of Tahitian Noni Juice

Tahitian Noni JuiceWhat is Tahitian Noni Juice?

Tahitian noni juice is made from the Morinda citrifolia tree’s fruit, which is yellow-green and looks like a cross between a potato and a hand grenade. It may also be called beach mulberry or Indian mulberry, and grows in volcanic regions of Australia, India, the Pacific Islands, and Southeast Asia.

Noni juice came on the market in the mid-1990’s, and has exploded in popularity as a SuperFood. For centuries, however, Tahitians have used the bark, juice, and leaves for a variety of ailments, including joint pain and skin problems. Polynesia continues to supply US manufacturers with a majority of the noni fruit’s juice.

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Top 14 Superfoods

I remember when I was young DC’s Justice League was then called Superfriends. They where all there, Superman, Batman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Hawkman and the others whose names I have forgotten. I had grown up knowing that those things are not real, a product of our imagination. And then now, I got to stumble on these highly nutritious foods, and they call it superfoods. And man are they are real. And I would like if possible to share all the 14 superfoods I know to you. Are you ready? Yes, you are.

Superfoods are foods that contain a lot of nutrients,vitamin and minerals. They are raw which means they are un-cooked, and they are organic which means that no pesticides or other chemicals have touch while growing them. One of the best superfoods is Sacred Chocolate. This superfood was the Bronze medal winner at the 2007 International San Francisco Chocolates Salon for Best Organic Chocolate. Then the three superffods coming from cacao, Raw cacao nibs, raw cacao powder and Fruity cacao. All of them bringing nature’s life force as it was suppose to be. Another superfood made of powder is Raw Maca powder. Raw Maca powder increase libido.

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