Ruptured Appendix

Ruptured appendix also known as peritonitis is a potentially fatal medical condition that is characterized by acute abdominal pain. Ruptured appendix is the end result of appendicitis which is basically …

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Itchy Red Bumps on Skin

Itchy Red Bumps on SkinSomehow super itchy, red and raised bumps (commonly called rashes) on your skin (“once flawless”) have appeared and you want to know what it is. You are racking your mind to figure out how these rashes or blotches have got there. Is it some kind of warning, should you be worried?

We all know that itchy bumps are very distracting, annoying and irritating. However, the silver lining is that if you know what kind of these bumps are, then they can be easily treated. In this article, we will help you identify the most common causes of itchy red bumps on the skin.

Unless you have been walking barefoot through poison ivy, you will need to do some research, and maybe a physician to solve the puzzle and find out the answer.

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